
Shay has dedicated her life to making an impact. She has always had a passion for public speaking, making her first audio “Hour of Fun” when she was 5! Although she was painfully shy in her early life, Shay has her own methodology in breaking through these barriers and now shares these techniques with her clients. In her adult life, Shay has enjoyed a long and successful career as a barrister, as well as being an award winning radio broadcaster, with a career in local and commercial radio spanning over 10 years. Shay also loves the stage and has performed as a stand up comedienne and jazz singer. As well as her public speaking and stage experience, Shay is a corporate mentor, style and business intuitive, theta healer, and Access Bars™ Pratitioner. She is therefore perfectly placed to guide and portray her clients in a way that is congruent to their message using all their senses, thus making them consciously and subconsciously more attractive to their potential clients.

Shay works with the business elite and rising stars in order to help them exude the message they were born to share. Shay is a believer in letting your “inner” be reflected in your “outer“, so that ANYONE can make the right impact, no matter what their age, shape, height.

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